Asset Valuation for Purchase, Sale or Lease
When acquiring an industrial or commercial asset, it is of critical importance that you procure professional asset valuation services to ensure accuracy and avoid potential complications
When acquiring an industrial or commercial asset, it is of critical importance that you procure professional asset valuation services to ensure accuracy and avoid potential complications
Business owners and corporations considering the purchase or sale of an industrial or commercial property often seek asset valuation services to understand market value before a transaction. Questions left unanswered can result in additional costs and burdens that can affect the reputation of a company, as well as cause costly closing delays and potential legal ramifications for years to come. Also, a property nearing the end of a lease often requires an independent appraiser to perform an asset valuation to determine the fair market value of the property.
evcValuation works with companies and individuals intending to purchase, sell or lease a property to provide asset valuation services. Our extensive experience in asset valuation can help industrial and commercial clients determine the fair market value of properties being considered for a purchase or sale or are nearing the end of a lease. We have worked on the valuation of large complex properties performing due diligence from the buy/sell side, as well as in the end-of-lease appraisal process.
evcValuation has worked on an extensive range of asset valuation scenarios to include:
For clients who own investment and income-generating properties, we support their property management needs with a variety of asset valuation services. Case in point, in end-of-lease valuations there is often an appraiser on the side of the lessor and another on the side of the lessee. This end-of-lease appraisal process often requires multiple appraisers to negotiate and reach a conclusive agreement on the asset valuation of the subject facility.
“We help our clients gain a strong understanding of the asset valuation process to ensure clarity and alignment between parties. This allows the purchase, sale or lease process to move forward by minimizing delays related to valuation.”
– Kevin Reilly, ASA
When procuring expert asset valuation services, consider evcValuation’s extensive experience and knowledge providing opinions of value for industrial and commercial clients. The company’s leadership is ASA-accredited and over the years we have amassed the acumen and insight required to handle a variety of asset valuation services for complex and large-scale purchase, sale and lease transactions.